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  • Sharon Kelly

Jessica Pendergast's Artwork on Display for the Summer

Now through August, Berwick artist Jessica Pendergast will have her artwork on display at Berwick Public Library. Jessica is a single mother of two wild boys who works as a server in Rochester. Although she took art classes in high school, she has mostly developed her craft on her own.

Jessica works with acrylics to make her artwork. Most paintings are palette knife paintings and

purely expressive. She likes to build colors, use textures, and even add some reflective pigments to really make the textures stand out.

Jessica says, "All of my paintings take multiple days to do because I like to let layers dry before moving on. Some of my paintings will only take a couple of one hour sessions. Others can take me as much as five plus hours before I’m satisfied with it. I like a variety of colors but especially love using vibrant colors."

According to Jessica, her inspiration comes from her feelings, children, and life in general. She says, "I get it all out on my canvases." Jessica's artwork can be seen during library hours. Berwick Public Library is open Tuesdays from 9:30am to 7:30pm, Wednesdays from 9:30am to 7:30pm, Fridays from 9:30am to 1:30pm, and Saturdays from 9:30am to 7:30pm.

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