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Missing Bees


Below are spoilers for The Case of the Missing Bees


Still working on solving the mystery? In order to find the name of the person responsible for the missing bees in Berwick, you must complete seven puzzles. All of the puzzles are available on our website HERE

Solving the Mystery

After the bees went missing in Berwick, we came up with a list of five suspects who may be unknowingly harming bees in our community: Tilly Spade, Magnus Striker, Corin Cadence, Hyacinth Hydrangea, and Juliet Darling.


After solving all the puzzles, the name of the culprit was revealed:
Hyacinth Hydrangea!


Hyacinth's garden, filled with non-native plants, were beautiful to look at, but unable to support the local pollinators. Thankfully, Hyacinth is making some important changes to her garden. Check out what she has to say:


Want to see how we solved the mystery?
CLICK HERE to see the completed clue sheet with all the puzzle solutions.

How can we protect the bees?

At Berwick Public Library, we're doing our part to support bees by planting a pollinator garden this fall. Want to learn more about bees and what you can do to protect them?
Check out these resources!

Planting for Pollinators - BPL program with Master Gardeners Amrita Cottrell and Dennis Jackson

Wait a minute!
What about the rest of the suspects?

We initially thought the other four suspects were also harming bees in our community,
but things aren't always want they seem.  Let's check in with them again!

suspect reveal.png


We had a lot of fun creating these characters, putting together puzzles, and learning about bees. We hope you enjoyed it, too!

Did you remember to get your prize?


Thanks to a generous donation from Jetpack Comics in Rochester, participants in the The Case of Berwick's Missing Bees will receive a comic book and a $5 gift certificate to Jetpack Comics!


To claim your prize, simply show a staff member at the library your clue sheet with at least one code word solved.

Limit one comic book and gift certificate per person.

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